Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why you should have tea tree oil in your cabinet

Tea tree oil has so many uses, it really should be considered a household product! Tea tree oil kills bacteria and is also very soothing. Here are the ways tea tree oil can be helpful to you!


Dab directly on break out or add a few drops to any face wash.

Dandruff, Dry or Itchy Scalp

Add 10 drops for every 8 ounces of shampoo to soothe the scalp.


Add a teaspoon of oil to warm bath and soak. Will disinfect and help ease itchiness swelling.

Insect Repellent

To keep bugs out of your house and kitchen wipe cabinets, pantry, and doorways with the oil. Even drip oil in cracks and crevices where bugs may be. To make bug spray add 15 drops of oil to a quart sized spray bottle and spray on skin.

Insect Bites

Applying a drop of oil to an insect bite or sting will help ease the discomfort and kill bacteria.

Cold or Canker Sores

Apply directly to sore twice a day. If sore is inside the mouth mix with water and swish around.

Athlete's Foot

Pour 3-4 drops in palm and mix with lotion. Apply to feet at least once a day until it is eliminated.

Sinus and Bronchial Congestion

Pour 5 drops of oil in pot of water. Once boiling, take off heat and put towel over your head and inhale steam. Also can dab drop of oil near nostrils or on chest. The vapors will help to break up congestion.

I ordered my 100% Australian tea tree oil from

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