Thursday, August 19, 2010

FREE Store!

Yes, it's true! A FREE-store! The Brooklyn Free Store has just taken second hand to a whole new level! Everything is always 100% off! One person's trash is another person's treasure in this tarp-covered tent! People can find things for themselves, as well as donate things they no longer need. If you don't see something for yourself, maybe you'll spot an item a friend needs. The idea behind this 6 week store is to recycle and reuse. There are no store hours and it is always open! You can also find the Brooklyn Free Store on Facebook and Twitter. Location: 222 Walworth St., Brooklyn, NY.

Why not start a free store in your area?! The No Impact Man writes, "It saves resources, saves money, and builds community. What I like about this kind of thing is that any of us can start it anywhere at any time without going through any of the existing power structures--corporations, non-profits, government. It's pure citizen action that is both better for the people and better for the planet."

What a splendid idea!!!

1 comment:

  1. This site is similar to The Freeconomy Community - Moneyless Living
